The latter in particular have a growing
appetite for .22lr guns.”
In the past 3 years Chiappa’s best
sellers were mainly the small caliber .22lr
guns, namely the single action SAA 1873-22
revolver, the 1911-22 pistol and the M4
Ri no Ch i appa s t a t e s : “The
popularity of these small caliber guns
can be explained by the relative ease with
which they can still be purchased in many
markets without legal restrictions.
Shooting inexpensive ammunition,
these guns are also very popular for training
and educating young shooters.”
Next to .22lr guns, muzzle loading
guns are also gaining ground, especially in
Western Europe.
When producing historical replica
firearms, design is fundamental to obtain
a high quality product, with production
respecting minimal tolerances in casting,
presswork or machining.
The components of Chiappa
Firearms’ replicas have such a constant
and precise size, that they can be used
on original historic firearms without any
further manual adjustment.
3-D machine to verify parts dimensions during production.
Programming a NC lathe
3-D programming
Wi t h a f u l l y compu t e r i z ed
production chain employing CAD-CAM,
each component is designed on computer
through a 3-D system. An assembly
simulation is made before manufacturing
Afterwards, machining instructions
are transferred directly to the machining
devices: this is the only way to obtain
absolute precision.
To produce h i s tor i c rep l i ca
f irearms , Chiappa employs reverse
engineering techniques. A 3-D scanner
detects measurements with extraordinary
precision. This scanner is able to reproduce
anything into a 3-D computerized drawing
– for instance the shape of an original
antique weapon.
Chiappa produces both small and
large metal components as well as plastic
Programming a NC milling machine