Pagina 5 - catalogo_chiappa

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For more than 50 years now, the
Italian Chiappa family are definitely
leaving their mark on the gun world. Not
only is the Chiappa Group one of the
leading manufacturers of historic replica
firearms, they are also firmly rooted in the
production of blank and sporting guns,
not even mentioning their other industrial
Gun Trade World sets out to
uncover a success story that started out in
the famous Italian Valtrompia valley near
Gardone. Rino Chiappa, the company
president, is our guide.
Originally founding father Ezechiele
Chiappa started his company Armi Sport
in 1958.
He was among the pioneers who
gave birth to the world of historic replica
firearms. Spotting a demand for high
quality blank guns, Chiappa founded
Kimar in the mid ‘80s. With Kimar, the
Chiappa Group began to take shape, and
the industrial organization of the factory
took an incisive turn.
Two different production methods
started to cohabit under the same roof: an
artisanal, piece-by-piece activity required
for producing replica firearms and a
standardized high-volume production of
blank guns.
Sport (replica firearms, target shooting,
defense), Kimar (blank, signal and small
caliber firearms), ACP (laser training
systems), Costa (metal surface treatment)
and Chiappa Firearms Ltd (USA branch
in Dayton).The group is still owned and
managed by the Chiappa family.
Since Ezechiele Chiappa started
production in 1958, more than 2 million
guns have been produced by the companies
of the Chiappa Group.
The average yearly production
amounts to about 70.000 guns in total,
distributed in 62 countries all over the
world. With Canada and the USA, North
America remains a huge market for the
Chiappa Group; this is the reason why the
commercial branch in the USA with the
relevant production plant was established
in 2007.
Other major markets are Australia,
France and Spain. For all these markets,
Chi appa ma inly works wi th loca l
Their next step is to establish a
presence in each single European country
and to further penetrate the Asian markets.
1958: assembly line for Kentucky pistols
In 1987 Ezechiele Chiappa’s son
Rino took over at the helm of the company
giving a strong impulse commercially while
also focusing on further technological
The whole manufacturing process
wa s compl e t e l y indus t r i a l i zed by
introducing modernmachining techniques
and a thorough control of the production
Today the Chiappa Group is an
industrial corporation including Armi
NC Workshop
Die-casting mould for pistol frame