Pagina 46 - catalogo_chiappa

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Turn the key back the other direction, and the
block pivots down and out of the way, exposing
the firing pin for a solid strike by the hammer.
I pr imar i ly used Federal and
Winchester ammunition during the
evaluation, but also tossed in some CCI
and Remington rimfires just to see if there
would be any difference. There wasn’t, and
I’ll happily report that everything seemed
to shoot pretty well to point of aim.
The Chiappa’s front sight is high
enough to be honed or filed down gently
to adjust the elevation, and the rear sight
actually can be moved laterally in the
dovetail after loosening the retainer screw.
I recommend adding a drop of
clear nail polish rather than some other
commercial liquid to help hold the rear
sight in place.
To my delight, the slide holds
open after the last shot, just like on a real
Government Model, and once a fresh
magazine is inserted, a gentle pull on the
slide and a quick release puts this pistol
back in battery. All of my rounds ejected
wide and slightly to the right rear, as they
should have.
I experienced no failures to feed
or eject until one of my test pistols
experienced a problem with the polymer
magazine release. On the other gun, the
release worked like a champ, and both
pistols delivered very acceptable accuracy
for small game hunting and certainly for
training purposes.
It is widely known that I have
something of a vice in that I occasionally
like to shoot grouse off logs or stumps with
a .22 pistol.
There is no doubt at all that, given
a bit of practice, I could do that with the
Chiappa just as competently as with one
of my own pistols.
I found the sights ample enough to
Also, just like John Moses Browning designed the original, the Chiappa’s slide locks open
after the last shot.
The non-ferrous alloy barrel has a steel tube
insert, and this provides plenty of weight
forward, which steadies the pistol and helps
keep it on target.
take a good sight picture on every target.
Perhaps the best thing about the
Chiappa is that it easily fits into any holster
one has for a standard Model 1911.
I tried it in a variety of rigs, including
a couple of my own manufacture, and if
I were to have this pistol early in the fall,
I’d carry it in my old GI Tanker shoulder
holster. Each pistol comes with two
magazines, a key for activating the firing
pin block and a cleaning brush.
The hard plastic case is lined with
thick foam padding, and it may be locked,
Beat that with a stick! Workman plugged this
Birchwood Casey Shoot- N-C target from 15
yards using a two-hand hold.