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making it okay for airline travel inside
another piece of luggage.
Being a firm believer in practice with
handguns to maintain proficiency, I see a
real value to the Chiappa Model 1911- 22
as an economical substitute for shooting a
Government Model .45-caliber pistol. One
can shoot and shoot and shoot when the
ammunition is a couple of dollars a box,
and the benefit one gets from this sort of
practice is a “feel” for the gun in your hand,
breathing control and trigger pressure.
As noted earlier, both of my test
pistols had rather stiff triggers, but that
makes for a stronger trigger finger and
better control when resting on a match
For a bargain-priced semi-auto
rimfire pistol, the Chiappa 1911 - 22
delivers very acceptable accuracy, and there
is no reason at all to suspect that a properly
maintained specimen won’t last through
thousands of rounds and countless hours
of shooting fun and practice. Putting a
bunny, squirrel or grouse in the pot for
good measure is an extra dividend.
The Chiappa Model 1911-22 comes with two polymer magazines that hold 10 rounds.
8611-A North Dixie Dr.
Dept. GW
Dayton, OH 45414