A few days later, when the Northwest rain let up
but the temperature stayed cool, Workman was
back at it, producing this group with Federal
Using Winchester 40-grain roundnose lead
bullets, author saw this group fired offhand
open up a bit, but it is still plenty tight at 15
yards to put the hurt on a cottontail.
slams a magazine home repeatedly.
I would be more comfortable with a
magazine release made from the same alloy
as the rest of the pistol, but presumably this
is a cost-saving measure.
I would suggest carefully inserting
magazines into the pistol and press the
release during insertion so that the loaded
magazine does not continually pound into
the interior catch that fits in the magazine
slot to hold it in place.
So, what about shooting this
handgun? Trust me on this, once you
crank the 1911-22 up to “full speed,” it is
surprising just howmuch ammunition one
can put down the tube and not realize it.
Popping tin cans and putting holes
accurately through Birchwood Casey
Shoot-N-C targets becomes addictive,
until one suddenly discovers all of the
ammunition has been shot up.
I would not recommend using
bargain basement rimfire ammunition in
this pistol, or any smallbore firearm for
that matter, but it’s been my experience
that some of the less expensive .22 Long
Rifle ammunition available these days
shoots particularly dirty. That is, it leaves
a considerable amount of powder residue
around the chamber and breech, and it
will crud up these areas fast. (I’ve had this
experience with Browning and Ruger semi-
auto pistols, which were so fouled after a
moderate amount of shooting that it took
serious brushing and lots of Hoppe’s No.
9 to clean up the mess!)
That’s a fully operational thumb safety that
allows a shooter to carry this pistol cocked and
locked, a feature Workman believes will help
novice shooters get used to the 1911 platform
during practice sessions.