The stock panels are genuine walnut with
A big advantage of the Model 1911-22 is that
it fits any standard Government Model holster.
Workman found that it slipped right into his old
tanker model shoulder holster.
The Chiappa also fits perfectly in this High
Noon horsehide pancake-style holster.
This setup might be good for people who hike
and hunt small game along the trail.
There’s a manually engaged firing pin block
safety in the slide that is turned into the “safe”
position with a small two-pronged key that
comes with the pistol.
comfortable, filled my hand properly and
enhance the appearance of the pistol.
The Chiappa’s magazine is polymer,
and people will either like it or hate it.
I don’t believe there is any happy
medium, and that is a matter of personal
preference rather than whether the
magazine is functional or not. I had no
trouble with the magazines, which hold
10 rounds (or 11 if you push in an extra
round) and the magazines that came with
both of my test pistols worked perfectly.
I was not terribly impressed with the
magazine release, which is also polymer.
This is a piece that gets plenty of wear, and
that can translate to abuse when somebody
At the range, Workman found the
Chiappa’s trigger to be a bit stiff, but
once he got the hang of it, he began
punching fairly consistent groups.
Notice that he conducted this session
in the rain.