Pagina 43 - catalogo_chiappa

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The fixed barrel has an integral feed ramp,
and Workman found that the pistol functioned
very well with all kinds of .22 Long Rifle
Chiappa designed this pistol with an external extractor that could double as a loaded chamber
indicator if one looks closely.
The rear sight is dovetailed into the slide and held in place by a tiny slotted screw.
The front sight is a blade that is actually part
of the slide; it is designed to be gently filed
down in order to raise the point of impact in
the event the pistol shoots too low.
a definite impression delivered by the firing
pin. Upon rechambering both rounds with
a different part of the rim under the pin,
both discharged.
My suspicion is that the priming
compound simply had not filled the inside
of the rim in these cartridges, which has
happened to me before several times in all
kinds of different .22- caliber handguns
and rifles.
For me, that’s not a big deal, though
if it happens enough, it can be downright
Let’s look at the clear differences
between the Chiappa smallbore and a
genuine 1911: For starters, the barrel is
fixed to the frame. Like most of the pistol,
the barrel body is largely made from a
non-ferrous alloy with a rifled steel inner
barrel tube. The fact that this barrel is
fixed to the frame definitely enhances the
pistol’s accuracy.
While the 1911-22 has a barrel
bushing, this is hardly like a traditional
Model 1911 bushing.
This thing is a rather long tube that
does hold a recoil spring cap in place. To
disassemble, make sure the chamber is clear
and eject the magazine.
Press out the slide stop right to left,
just like on a Government Model. Turn
the bushing and remove the plug and
recoil spring but then bring the slide to the
rear and lift it off the rails slightly before
allowing it to move back forward and off
the frame and fixed barrel.
Reassembly is done in the reverse
order, step by step. I was surprised that
the grip panels are genuine walnut, with
laser-etched checkering and the Chiappa
logo centered on both panels. They were