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During 1856-1859 about 14.000 of the smoothbores were rifled and approximately 10.000 of these were fitted with rear sights. Our
model features a machined 900 yard, long-range rear sight. This musket is the same as the 1842 smoothbore except the barrel has
been rifled with 3 lands & grooves. This musket features a one-piece walnut hand oil finished.
1842 RIFLED MUSKET .69 cal
This reproduction is true to the original measurements, with a 42” barrel and a total length of 58 inches. The lockplate is stamped
with Federal eagle in front of the hammer and vertically marked “Spring-field” in two lines behind the hammer. The lock and tang
are dated 1847. The barrel is stamped with the correct style V.P. and eagle head proof marks are on the breech. The butt plate is
marked U.S. The sling swivel is riveted as per the original. One piece walnut oil finished stock. NSSA approved.
The U.S. Model 1842 was the last smoothbore musket, while simultaneously being the first with fully interchangeable parts (machine-
made) and the first with an adjustable percussion lock. It was not made in great numbers. Total production of both the Springfield
and Harpers Ferry Armories was only 272,565 over the course of 12 years. A few of these smoothbore muskets were converted to
“Rifled Muskets” and a fewer were converted into the two band “Short Rifled Musket”. Often mistaken for an “Artillery” model,
the short 33 inch barrel was a favorite for close quarters and mounted units.
Both the Harpers Ferry and Springfield Armories produced the Model 1842 U.S. Percussion Musket in great numbers from 1844 to
1855. The Model 1842 was notable in several aspects, mainly that it was a .69 caliber musket. Additionally, it was the first weapon
made at both the Harpers Ferry and Springfield Armory with completely interchangeable parts. Harpers Ferry produced 103.000
while Springfield produced 172.000 for a total production surpassing a quarter of a million arms.