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150th Civil War anniversary project”
2011 marked the 150th anniversary of
the American Civil War (1861–1865).
In revolt of political decisions being
made at the time, 11 southern states declared
their secession from the United States and
formed the Confederate States of America
(“the Confederacy”); the remaining 25 states
supported the federal government (“the
Four plus years of fighting within the
borders of the United States caused neighbours,
friends and families to be separated due to
differences of political beliefs and values.
The conflict began on April 12, 1861,
when Confederate forces attacked the U.S.
military installation at Fort Sumter in South
Carolina. The North responded by calling for
a volunteer army from each state to recapture
federal property, which led to declarations of
secession by four more states.
Both sides raised armies as the Union
seized control of the Border States early in
the war and established a naval blockade. The
confederacy scored many decisive victories early
in the conflict due to the supremacy in their
command staff and individual soldier’s skills.
However, the north quickly rebounded with
technological advances and industrialization
combined with troops and commanders being
tempered in battle. The conflict proved to be
one of the darkest eras in American history
which was paid for with the destruction of
property, life, and limb from both sides.
Chiappa Firearms in recognition of those
who fought on both sides of this conflict, and
commemorating their sacrifices, has developed
a series of 150th Civil War Anniversary models
of some of the most famous firearms used
during the conflict by both the North and the
Two models were released in 2011, the
first year of the 150th Anniversary: the 1842
Smoothbore (defarbed) and the 1855 first
model. The 1842 defarbed model features the
choice of two lock plates, Springfield Armory
or Harpers Ferry, creating yet another milestone
in the Chiappa Firearms legacy which was the
offering of the first production Civil War replica
with historically correct markings and features.
The Commemorative Model 1855 (First
Model) has special features and an engraved
leather sling identifying the product as the
150th Anniversary. Each rifle carries also an
engraved medallion with an image of the battle
and a certificate of authenticity.
New commemorating models will be
released for each year of the Anniversary
period, please check on our website to find
out which is the next!