Pagina 64 - catalogo_chiappa

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— Guns Of The Old West, Summer 2010 —
by Dennis Adler
Pair of six shooters
One of the most famous lawmen
of the late 19th century was former Texas
Ranger John Horton Slaughter.
After he tired of Rangering, the
Civil War veteran migrated to Arizona,
and by the 1870s had become a successful
cattleman. That, however, did not mark
the end of his career as a lawman. His
reputation had preceded him and the newly
created Cochise County, in southeastern
Arizona, needed a practiced lawman.
In November of 1886, Slaughter
was elected sheriff of Cochise County,
which encompassed the new county seat
inTombstone. Slaughter was only the third
man to hold the post.The first had been the
notorious Johnny Behan, followed briefly
by Sheriff J. L. Ward, who served from
Taylor’s Runnin’ Iron is lightning
quick, requiring 4.8 pounds to
cock the hammer and a light
2 pounds average to drop it.
The standard model Chiappa 1887
Lever Action Shotgun is based on the
Winchester 1887 Guard Gun, which
had a short, 22.25” barrel.