Pagina 60 - catalogo_chiappa

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45-70 commercial loads made so far. We’ll
see. For the moment, users can safely hunt
their big wild boars, not only in Italy but
also in Eastern Europe, Turkey and
Scrofa Attila
as well: we should not forget
that this 300 grain ball provides, between
0 and 50 meters, 300 Kgm of energy.
Here are the main data of the
Federal ammo I tested as supplied by the
manufacturer: • Federal Classic / Power
Shok with Speer Hot-Cor ball HP- FP
300 grain • Speed at the muzzle: 1,880
feet per second (573 m / sec) • Energy at
the muzzle: 2,355 foot pounds (326 kgm)•
Energy at 90 meters: 1,815 foot pounds
(251 kgm) • Energy at 180 meters: 1,355
foot pounds (187 kgm).
At the time of distribution of
this magazine, I understand that the
importer-distributor Paganini has very
recently started the distribution of the new
commercial ammunition Barnes VOR-TX
with 300 grain bullet TSX Flat Base that
seems very good for wild boar hunting, I
look forward to testing it in the field.
Based on the selected hunting
technique for testing of the Kodiak rifle
and the decision of using the weapon with
the original sights (Skinner package), I
opted to reset at the distance of 50 meters.
After placing the black target with 10 and
the much enhanced in fluorescent orange
with adhesive Target Spot of Birchwood
Casey, I ran the first three shots: the group
was only 32x29 mm (1.25 “).
I let the barrel cool and then shot
three shots with a group of just 28x27
mm. (Just over 1”) It takes a little practice
to use the peep sights, especially with a
moving target, but once you understand
the dynamics of shouldering the weapon
and aligning eye-sights-target, the result
is excellent.
A personal hint: when using a
diopter or peep sights you can use the
dominant eye only while keeping the other
closed, or keep both eyes open, which
allows for a good training for both hunters
and target shooters. Recoil and the muzzle-
flip effect are very limited and perfectly
controllable, so you can quickly eject
the spent cartridge and replace it, largely
thanks to a perfect weight distribution
and optimal weight of the weapon. The
100 meters target, with simple Skinner
sights, got a three shot group of 37x42
mm, that can only be obtained with a very
well manufactured weapon.(1.5 – 1.75”).
My boar hunting tests took place
both with my team, the Black Ear of
Mulinaccio (Monte Giovi 3 / A) and
during other hunts in the two ATC
(hunting territories) SI 18 and 17.
We come now to the harvesting and
relevant comments.
Animal number 1.
Boar of about
60 kg male (132 lb). Shooting distance:
25 m approx. Position of the boar: at 3 /
4, running very fast towards the post. Two
shots on the animal. Distance traveled by
the wild boar after the two shots: within
3 meters from the first shot. Point of
penetration of the bullets: behind the
shoulder and neck, with diameters of holes
equal to the diameter of the bullet at entry,
and holes of about 1.5x at exit.
Notes. During this harvesting I have
witnessed the perfect manageability and
speed of reloading of the weapon, shooting
animals on the run at short-distance, and
the excellent stopping power of the duo
caliber/ammunition. The loss of meat was
Animal number 2.
Boar of about
75 kg female (165 lb). Shooting distance:
50 m approx. Position of the boar: at
3 / 4 in rapid run to the left side of the
post. Fired a single shot on the animal.
Distance traveled by the wild boar after
the shot: the animal collapsed on the spot.
Penetration point of the ball: shoulder
blade/humerus region left high, with hole
diameter equal to the ball diameter. Exit
point of the bullet: the ball went through
both shoulders, with a diameter of the
exit hole about double the diameter of
the projectile.
Notes. The bullet Federal 300
grain HP-FP perforated the animal
blocking it on the spot, evidence of a
good balance between energy release
and penetration. The loss of meat was
acceptable, considering the point of impact
of the bullet.
Animal number 3.
Boar of about 70
kg female (154 lb). Shooting distance: 70
m approx. Position of the boar : perfectly
horizontal, trotting toward the right side
of the post. Fired a single shot on the