Pagina 41 - catalogo_chiappa

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Chiappa’s Model 1911-22 is a budget-
priced .22-caliber semi-auto with
the feel, and approximate heft, of a
big-bore Government Model pistol.
1911, and even feels like one in the hand-
with the possible exception of the pistol’s
overall weight, though it has a pretty good
heft- so that someone could, indeed, use
this pistol as a training gun in preparation
for shooting a genuine Government Model
or clone.
Chiappa’s Model 1911-22 is a mix
of polymer, alloy and steel. Right up front,
I will say that the two test models I had for
evaluation had particularly stiff triggers, yet
once I got a feel for these guns, they shot
rather accurately. I was able to bounce a tin
can around out to a distance of 25 yards,
and when shooting from a rest, I managed
some rather tight groups at 15 yards.
A couple of those groups were
tight enough to have put a rabbit in the
bag easily, and no matter what brand of
ammunition I fed the guns, they digested
every round.
The high-profile front sight is fixed
and the rear sight is dovetailed to the
slide and held in place by a small flathead
screw. There is no grip safety, but there is
a fully operational thumb safety with the
feel of the Model 1911 safety. There is an
external extractor that could double as a
loaded chamber indicator, though I don’t
believe that’s a designated function, and
the hammer is nothing like that on a real