Pagina 17 - catalogo_chiappa

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The Rhino will eventually be offered
in a number of barrel lengths, but the
2-inch snubbie is the first model to hit
American shores.
This makes a great deal of sense to
me, as it is the snub that still enjoys huge
popularity with those who are concerned
with their personal security.
The Rhino is a true milestone in the
long history of the revolver.
As with all new concepts, the
Rhino has its own unique features like
a flat-sided cylinder that makes the gun
more concealable and more confortable
to wear, but it is the barrel location that
makes it unique.
The Rhino barrel is aligned with the
bottom cylinder chamber, which is the key
factor to the Rhino’s ability to tame the
stout recoil of the .357 Mag cartridge-even
Excellent ergonomics are paramount in the
Rhino design. Note the relieved portion behind
the triggerguard for the shooter’s finger.
The shrouded ejector rod is located in a
channel above the Rhino’s stubby under-
mounted barrel.
When I entered law enforcement
in the mid-1970’s, the snubbie revolver
was the off-duty gun. While a few “hard
chargers” would carry a 1911, Commander
or Browning Hi-Power, most of us behind
the badge carried a snubbie.
Heck, for many the snub .38 Special
was a basic academy graduation present.
The snubbie hasn’t changed much over the
last 75 years, being basically the same gun
as when it was introduced. The fact is the
current revolver is a 19th century design
that has changed little over the years.
Recently I had the opportunity to
test and evaluate a new snub revolver that
is truly different, one that might very well
change how all of us look at the combative
revolver. Introduced by the Italian-based
Chiappa Firearms, the Rhino
revolver is just as brutish as its namesake,
but that is where this characteristic ends.
Machined from solid steel/aluminum
using the most up to date technology, the
result is a truly unique wheel gun that
will satisfy even the most hardcore pistol
shooter. Don’t let the unusual appearance
put you off, the Rhino is a space-age design
made for serious shooters.
from the short 2-inch barrel.
The position of the barrel lowers
the bore centerline more in line with the
shooter’s arm allowing for a more natural
point when engaging a target.
For example, the height of the
bore over the forearm of the world’s most
popular revolver, the Smith & Wesson
Model 10, is 2 inches.
The height of the bore over the
forearm for the Rhino is a mere 0.75 of
an inch-a significant difference.
The Rhino’s sight line is also low
above the forearm, which allows the
shooter to get on target more naturally
with greater accuracy and speed, something
semiauto users will appreciate.
As previously stated, this feature also
drastically reduces recoil and muzzle-flip,
which insures subsequent shots will be
on target faster than ever before-a critical
component in any fighting handgun.
This reduction of felt recoil due
to advanced design permits the use of
ultra-light alloys in the construction of
the Rhino, making it easier to carry and
The grip configuration used on the
Rhino helps place the web of the hand
above the barrel line, which also aids in fast
on-target access. The stock Rhino grip is a
black neoprene material that helps absorb
some of the recoil, but wood grips with
differing grain patterns are also available.
After all, some just want a good
looking grip on their gun, even if the gun
is so untraditional that it is named after
an ugly animal. But then, beauty will
always lie in the eyes of the beholder and
the Rhino has some features that make it
A short trigger (meaning the length
of travel of the Rhino trigger is shorter than
other revolver designs) combined with
smooth trigger action with no felt glitches
help make the Rhino fast and easy to shoot.
The trigger on my test gun measured
just over 8 pounds and was easy to
.38 Special/.357 Mag
2 inches
OA Lenght:
6.5 inches
24 ounces (empty)
Wood or black
Black or stainless